Part 10. Information About Your Marital History
Marital History: This information could be used by USCIS as the basis for an investigation into the good faith and legal validity of any marriage used to obtain permanent residence status in the first place, which applicants with new marriages after obtaining permanent residence should be ready to establish. This information also confirms whether the alien is eligible for early naturalization based on marriage to a U.S. citizen. If you are applying under the three-year rule as the spouse of a U.S. citizen, you must be currently married to and living with your U.S. citizen spouse. If you obtained your permanent residence based on a spousal petition, and you divorced or separated from your spouse shortly after you obtained permanent residence, USCIS may question whether yours was a bona fide (real) marriage, or if it was simply to obtain immigration benefits. The USCIS officer may also be interested in your marital status to make sure you have been honest in applying for public benefits and/or completing tax returns.
Part 10 Questions 1,2,3 are self-explanatory.
Part 10. Question 4:
If you have never been married, this section is not applicable to you. Continue to Part 11. If you have been married but are not currently married, this part is also not applicable to you, so go to Part 10, Question 9. If you are now married, provide information about your current spouse. Include this information even if you are separated but not divorced, or if your spouse lives outside of the United States.
Part 10 Questions 5 and 6 are self-explanatory.
Part 10 Question 7: If your spouse is a U.S. citizen, this section is not applicable to you. If your spouse is not a U.S. citizen, complete this section. In Question B, if your spouse does not have an “A” number, write ‘N/A’. In Question C, if your spouse is a permanent resident, check the box that says “Lawful Permanent Resident.” If your spouse is not a lawful permanent resident, check the box that says “Other” and list his/her status. If your spouse does not have an immigration status in the United States, write ‘N/A’ after ‘Other’. Write “Lives Abroad” instead of listing his/her status if your spouse does not live in the United States.
Part 10 Question 8: Information on all prior marriages of the applicant’s current spouse is required. If your current spouse was never previously married, then write the number “1” and continue to Part 10, Question 9. If your current spouse was previously married, write the number of times and give information about his/her prior spouses. Make your best attempt to contact his/her prior spouse(s), to obtain the necessary information. If the prior spouse(s) cannot be contacted, include as much information as you have. This is especially important if your current spouse obtained immigration benefits from his/her prior spouse.
For Question 8-B, if the prior spouse was not a U.S. citizen or a lawful permanent resident during your spouse’s marriage to that individual, check “Other” and list his/her status at that time. If the prior spouse did not live in the United States, write “Lived Abroad” instead of listing his/her status here. For Question 8-H, if the marriage was terminated other than with a listed reason, check “other” and explain in a separate statement. For more than one prior marriage of your spouse, use a separate sheet of paper to provide answers to questions A through H for each marriage and provide all the information requested. Make sure to write the date and sign the sheet. If your spouse was married to the individual more than one time, write about each marriage separately.
Part 10 question 9: Information on all prior spouses of the applicant is required. If you were never married before, this section is not applicable to you. Continue to part 11. If you were married before or are a widow/widower, provide information about your former spouse(s). Make your best attempt to contact your prior spouse(s) to obtain this information. If your prior spouse(s) cannot be contacted, include as much information as you have.
For Question 9-B, if your prior spouse was not a U.S. citizen or a lawful permanent resident during your marriage, check “Other” and list his/her status. If your prior spouse did not have an Immigration Status when your marriage ended, check “other” and write “N/A” in the space provided. If the prior spouse did not live in the United States, write “Lived Abroad” instead of listing his/her status here.
For Question 9-H, if the marriage was terminated other than with a listed reason, check “other” and explain in a separate statement. For more than one prior marriage, use a separate sheet of paper to provide answers to questions 9 A through H for each and provide all the information requested. Make sure to write the date and sign the sheet. If you were married to the same spouse more than once, write about each marriage separately.
What do I do if I do not have any children? Should I type “0” or “none”? In child information should type “N/A” in each field?
Thank you,
Best Regards,
Applicant must list all sons and daughters alive, deceased, missing, adopted, or stepchildren, even if they are U.S. citizens, adults, married, or live outside the United States. If you do not have any children simply type “0” in Part 11 item number 1 and do not type anything else in part 11. Please consider our attorney document review service. For only $249 an attorney will review your completed N-400 form for eligibility, errors, omissions, inconsistencies and other mistakes.
Thank you so much for the sample.My Sister was married to US Citizen and She has stayed in US for 3 years she was in Nepal before she Entered US and never traveled anywhere.Do i need to fill part 9 (Time outside US for past 5 years )? What should be the number of trips then ?
Based on the information you’ve provided if the applicant eligibility is based on being married to a US citizen for 3 years and no trips were taken outside the US from the time she received her conditional residence then she should mark 0 in part 9.1 and 9.2. Please keep in mind I am basing this on the information you’ve provided. In order to definitively reply I would have to review the entire application and the underlying eligibility. We provide an affordable application review service where we check for mistakes, omissions and inconsistencies. Feel free to contact our office to discuss this service.
Thanks for very helpful simple.
I was divorced before I come to Usa 5 years ago. do I have to make sign on divorce? and need to bring my divorce certificate from my country?
thank you
Unfortunately, I do not have enough information to reply to your question. Please feel free to call me or write me an email detailing your situation and question.
I work from home in IL. I file my taxes in IL but I work from a company where the headquarters is based in NJ. Should I write the headquarters as address of my employer? On my income tax return, the address of the employer is different from the headquarter’s address. Should I write the address on the income tax return as my address?
If I note my employer’s address in NJ, can I be denied from US citizenship since I’m filing at IL. But I do file taxes in IL.
Thanks so much for this helpful information!
Hi Krissy,
I cannot answer to your specific situation because I would need much more information to provide an accurate individual answer. But in general, a citizenship application will not be denied because of an address of an employer. Some corporations have many locations in different states. It is not a material issue. Please note that just because I answered your question it does not establish an attorney-client relationship. Please feel free to email or call me if you have further questions.
Thanks so much for your reply! I really appreciate it! I will definitely recommend you guys to my friends and family who needs extra help with their applications.
So if I only have 1 child, do i need to just leave blank the rest ( child 2-4). A little of confuse If I have to put N/A on all questions not applicable to me.
Yes, if you only have 1 child you leave the remaining sections blank. You do not need to put N/A on all questions not applicable to you. Please feel free to email me if you have further questions or would like me to review your entire application.
Hi, im married with my citzen usa husband more than 5 years an i have my permanent green card for more thand five years as well, i have all the requirements for became citizen. I need help to choose my eligibility in the form N 400. Part 1. Should i choose box “A” or box “B”? Should i go under 5 years lawful permanent resident or under at least 3 years and aditional married at least 3 years?
Hi, I cannot specifically tell you what option to choose because you are not my client. But in a situation where a permanent resident is eligible for citizenship under both the 3 years married to a US citizen and 5 years permanent resident requirements then choosing the 5-year permanent resident option is better because it does not require to submit marriage related evidence. I hope this answers your question. Please consider my N-400 review service in order to make sure your application is filed properly and avoid any rejections or delays.
Thank so much for your reply!
Hi, im married with my usa citzen husband more than 5 years an i have my permanent green card for more thand five years as well, i have all the requirements for become citizen. I need help to choose my eligibility in the form N 400. Part 1. Should i choose box “A” or box “B”? Should i go under 5 years lawful permanent resident or under at least 3 years and aditional married at least 3 years?