Part 8. Information About Your Employment and Schools You Attended

List your places of employment or study full-time or part-time starting with your current job/school and going backward, for the last five years. Also include military service, if applicable. In the field “Your Occupation” select the choice that most closely describes you occupation.

If you were not employed over the last five years, write “unemployed” in the box “Your Occupation.” Enter “N/A” in all other fields. You will not be kept from naturalizing just because you were not employed, but the officer may look more closely at how you support yourself to make sure you have not been receiving income from an illegal source. If you are receiving public benefits, that is not a bar to naturalization. You can still become a U.S. citizen, if you did not make a misrepresentation that you were a U.S. Citizen or lied to obtain a benefit.

You may need to provide USCIS with your federal tax returns. When applying under the married to a US citizen for 3 years eligibility category will have to provide USCIS with your tax returns. Failure to report and disclose income and file a tax return may be grounds for denying U.S. citizenship. Unless you were not required to file a tax return, USCIS will not naturalize you until you have complied with Internal Revenue Service (IRS) regulations.

If you obtained your lawful permanent residence through employment and you left that employment shortly after becoming a permanent resident, the USCIS officer may ask why you left the job with your sponsor. In this situation, it is recommended to consult an immigration attorney.

If you need additional space to list all your places of employment and schools, attach a separate sheet of paper, and provide all the information requested. Make sure to sign and date the sheet.

If you want to avoid rejections because of mistakes, errors, inconsistencies and omissions, or simply want the peace of mind that an attorney reviewed your forms and documents then my $249 Naturalization Application and Forms review service is perfect for you, no matter where you are. Feel free to email or call me at 212-202-0489 for a no obligations free consultation.”  DAVID KOHINA, ESQ.